Thursday, July 8, 2010


As you know Google is the worlds most popular and powerful search engine having the ability to accept predefined commands and produce unbelievable results. Hackers use this search engine in a specific way to gather confidential or sensitive information.

I am going to discuss Google special commands which a hacker uses to gather confidential data...

N.B. This is for educational purpose only. I will not be responsible for any illegal activity you commit and get busted....

[ intitle: ]

intitle: this command restricts your search to the title of the web pages.

allintitle: it searches the WebPages in which all the words are included in the title of the web pages.

e.g. "intitle: login password" will show that results in which the web pages have the word "login" in their title and "password" anywhere in that page.

[ inurl: ]

inurl: this command restricts your search to the urls of the web pages.

allurl: it searches the web pages in which all the words are included in the url of the web pages.

e.g. "allinurl: etc/passwd" will show the results in which the web pages contains the word "etc" and "passwd" in its url.

[ intext: ]

intext: this will search for the words in body text only ignoring the title and urls of the web pages.

e.g. "intext: hacked" will display only those results which has the word hacked in its body text.

[ site: ]

site: it will restrict your search for a certain keyword in a site or domain.

e.g. "hacked site:" will search for the keyword hacked in all the links of the domain

[ link: ]

link: it will return the list of WebPages which are linked to a specified urls.

e.g. "" will list the WebPages that have links pointing to forex homepage.

[ related: ]

related: this will list the WebPages that are similar to the specified WebPages.

e.g. "" will display the list of urls which are similar to forex homepage.

[cache: ]

cache: this syntax will return or finds a copy of the page that Google indexed even if that page is no longer available at its original URL or has been changed its component completely.

e.g. "" will show Google cache of forex homepage.

[ filetype: ]

filetype: this will restrict the search for the files with a particular extension.

e.g. "filetype:doc site:gov confidential" will search for the file with extension ".doc" in all government domains containing the word "confidential" either in that page or in that file.

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